Root Canal Therapy in Mississauga, ON

Your tooth consists of three layers—the tooth enamel, dentin and dental pulp. The tooth enamel is the easily visible outer layer that is usually various shades of white. Dentin is the layer immediately below the tooth enamel. Its colour ranges from pale grey to yellow. Dentin consists of organic materials, water and some minerals. Lastly, there’s the dental pulp which contains the nerves and blood vessels.

Tooth decay usually starts at the outermost layer. If left unaddressed, tooth decay can spread to the innermost layers, resulting in excruciating pain. In cases where the infection has spread to the dental pulp, the best course of action is root canal therapy in Mississauga, ON.

Signs You Require Root Canal Treatment

Sherwood Forrest Dental is a family-friendly dental office that provides comprehensive restorative dentistry services, including root canal treatment.

During root canal treatment, our dentists in Mississauga, ON removed the diseased or decayed dental pulp from your tooth. This procedure renders your tooth dead, and you’ll no longer experience pain or sensitivity toward hot or cold food items. However, the tooth remains functional as you can continue to chew or bite with it.

You may require root canal treatment if you’re experiencing:

  • Heightened sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Persistent toothaches
  • Tooth discolouration
  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Recurring pimple on the gums

Please note, you may need root canal treatment even if these signs are absent.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Root canal or endodontic treatment, as it’s sometimes called, is similar to a tooth-filling procedure. However, during root canal therapy near you, our endodontist in Mississauga, ON drill much deeper than they would during a dental filling procedure.

Below is a step-by-step breakdown of what happens during root canal therapy in Mississauga, ON:

  • Our dentist obtains x-rays to determine your root canals’ curvature and check if the infection has spread to the surrounding bone.
  • The dentist numbs the tooth using local anesthesia.
  • The dentist carefully drills a small access hole into the tooth.
  • The dentist uses root canal files of varying sizes to get rid of all infected matter from the tooth.
  • Next, the Mississauga dentist disinfects the tooth and seals it using a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. A filling or crown may also be required to restore the tooth’s form and function.

Have you been experiencing persistent toothaches? You may require root canal therapy. Reach out to Sherwood Forrest Dental to find out more.

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